Our founder, Neal Carter, has over 30 years of experience working as a bioresource engineer around the globe and experienced firsthand the value of biotechnology. After hearing about research being done to turn off enzymatic browning in potatoes, Neal and his wife Louisa felt that they could help boost apple consumption through a similar approach with apples, which would make them more appealing, convenient, and significantly reduce unnecessary waste. And the rest is history...
Okanagan Specialty Fruits® (OSF) was founded in 1996 by apple and cherry growers Neal and Louisa Carter, who are passionate about reducing food waste and boosting apple consumption. Over 40% of apples that are grown end up wasted, often due to superficial browning from bruising and slicing. That’s why we developed Arctic® apple varieties that maintain just picked freshness, flavor and color after slicing. Fresh taste. Less waste.
When you're passionate about something you want to share it! We love sharing the story behind OSF and Arctic apples. Feel free to reach out to [email protected] if you are interested in covering our journey.